Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanksgiving 2015

Thanksgiving is usually a time for me to reflect on a lot of things, and this year is no exception.

Reflection #1 - I really don't blog enough.  I find that blogging about important things is something I'm not really doing enough of right now.  There's lots of things going on like "why don't we know what's going on in Africa?" or "just what the heck is happening in Ferguson?" or "why is Black Friday such a big deal when the deals are better on Christmas Eve?"

Reflection #2 - Happiness is something to strive daily for, and I don't do a good job of that.  It's pretty easy to sit in the recliner and pet the cats and watch the gecko (don't ask) and watch TV and wonder why I'm not very happy.  Because I'm not really trying to be happy all the time and I'm not looking for ways to be happy.  Probably should do more of that.  Thanksgiving this year is a great example.  I tried to convince people that I was going to be perfectly happy sitting in the recliner with a TV dinner or two and watching football.  Then my friend, Allie, texted me and we got together in the afternoon at a cool bar on the Lower East Side, drank cheap (but good) alcohols, ate some chicken wings, watched football, and had a blast.  Sometimes happiness finds me when I'm not looking for it too hard.

Reflection #3 - I miss my children (and my grandchildren).  I've got a little better at reaching back to them, but I can always do better.  The thing I regret the most about relocating to NYC (there are few things, but looking at my weather app and seeing the weather in Minny, leaving THAT is something I don't regret one bit) is not being close to them.  So I've got to do a better job at reaching out and getting back to visit.

Reflection #4 - I'm lucky to be involved in a platonic relationship with someone awfully cool.  It's fun once in a while to cook with someone, to argue over what's for dinner, to have a few drinks with, to travel with.  It helps that she's very active and encouraging me to be more active.  It helps that she's Asian (Korean, actually), which exposes me to different ways of thinking and acting.  She's given me a real good glimpse into 'managing circles' so they don't intersect.  I don't like that.  But I like having someone to hang out with on a pretty regular basis.

Reflection #5 - I'm sad I've lost my relationship with the Church.  It wasn't really my choice, I had to stand by my word.  And it's only one word (plus some behaviors I don't approve of) that caused this.  The Church changed the word, "all" to the word, "many" in the words of institution of the Eucharist.  That limits God's ability to welcome all and gives people the ability to decide on the many.  And that's just not my image of God.

Refection #6 - I never thought I'd blog about this, but I'm really excited for the Gopher football team.  It's been a fun season of trying to watch every game and I never expected them to be in a position to play in one game to get to the Big Ten championship game.  And that's pretty darn exciting.

That's about it for today, need to get some cleaning done before the weekend.  I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and please, seek happiness.