Saturday, February 7, 2015

One Month Review

One month review...

Get back into shape...  Let's see, I started T25 on January 5, did 8 workouts, and realized that an overweight, 52 year old guy is definitely NOT who can take the best advantage of it after I tweaked my knee.  It's still healing, but I am still committed to getting in better shape once it's healed!

I am trying to pray every day.  Not quite there yet, but definitely trying.

Eating...  Definitely improving!  Still need to do a little better for breakfast, but lunch and dinner are both routine.

Walking...  I'll be back on it after this knee thing resolves.  If it's still bugging me when I have my annual physical on March 10, I'm definitely telling the doctor.

Job...  Knocking it out of the park (actually take a break to jot this down)!

Seeing the family...  Haven't yet this year, but am planning to do so later this month.  Really looking forward to it.  If I can afford to get back for Uncle Russ' funeral this week, it will give me another opportunity.

Kara...  Is still around, we're actually getting out of the city next weekend for a few days in the Dominican Republic (on points and miles, thank you IBI).

Drinking...  Am definitely drinking less, and that's a good thing.

Blogging...  Have to do better!

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