Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy All Saints Day!

while many believe that Halloween is one great feast (and I spent the better of my evening last night in Greenwich Village with people who spend 364 days each year living for it), this one is better...

Thank you, Uncle James.  Your quiet support of your family and the community of South Saint Paul (despite the fact you went to Cretin) was wonderful.  Thank you, Uncle John.  Despite the fact you didn't spend a lot of time in my life, you were my first exposure to Downs Syndrome and got me through college.  Thank you, Uncle Don.  I'm sad I didn't get to know you and even sadder that I can't.  Thank you, Uncle Rich.  You served your community well and people still talk about how hard you worked.  ;)  Thank you to all of my family that has gone before me.

Thank you Dad, Thank you Mom.  Thank you Gram, Thank you Pappy.  My heart and my soul miss you so much right now.  I am not sure if you would be proud of me for some of the choices I have made in the recent past, but I am getting to happy.  And I am definitely getting to be an emotional grown up.  Be happy for that.  Rejoice as I grow.  And don't be afraid to visit my spirit every once in a while.  Because I still love you and miss you more than you could ever know.  When you were here, I wasn't grown up enough to talk to you the way I should.  I am now.  And I will talk to you.  So from that dining room table where you're having roast beef (and giving all the fat to Pappy) and solving the worlds' problems, take some time to talk about me.  And let some of that grace drip down.  Because I really need it.

I love you.  You are my saints.

All Saints Day is a holy day within the Catholic Church to honor those who have been identified as saints (that's today) and, according to the church, are in heaven.  All Souls Day is a commemoration to remember all those who have died, but the church says they can't guarantee they are in heaven.  Nice.  If we believe (as I do) that God makes that determination...

Pray for me, Uncles James, Don, John, and Rich.  Pray for me, Mom, Dad, Pappy, and Gram.  Pray for me those who I have known who have passed before me and are now with God.  Today is your day.  And I honor YOU.

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