Tuesday, December 6, 2011

More Later...

it has been an eventful week or so on the #8 train, that's for sure...  But tonight it just stopped cold in it's tracks.  I will post more in the next couple of days when I have a few minutes to spare (which may not be until sometime over the weekend) to let everyone know what I've been up to, but tonight couldn't go by without writing something.

The Christmas season is wonderful.  It really is, and I've eschewed it almost my entire life by waiting to get my shopping done, really trying to joyfully celebrate Advent, etc.  But now that I'm in New York, it's kind of hard to escape it.  I've tried, I really have.  We have our "Holiday Party" at Information Builders tomorrow.  It's not a big deal (not like what they used to be from what I've heard).  It's from 1-3 at a bar.  We get beer, wine, and some appetizers.  Whoopee.  That, folks, was going to be the extent of my holiday celebration this year and I was (and am) kind of looking forward to it.  But a couple of weeks ago, that was going to be the extent of my holiday celebration.

I went out for sushi (duh) with some co-workers of mine tonight.  When I got home tonight, there was a box waiting for me outside my door.  In that box was some garland and some lights, a beautiful shark, a mint tree, a beautful shark, and hand wrapped ornaments from my grandmother.  My daughters wrapped all of this up for me so that my Christmas could be a little less lonely.  That was an hour or so ago and I haven't stopped crying.  It was the single most beautiful thing I have ever received (in collective) because it was meant to help me not feel as alone as I am feeling.  And I appreciate it more than they will ever know.  And I love them and am more proud of them than I could ever express.  The only thing I wish right now is that they were both here (with their brother) so that I could give them a giant hug and tell them that.

But the #8 train made some choices and he has to live with them.  Some of them are great, some of them are painful.  But during this season of peace and joy, it's good to know that people wish that for me as much as I wish it for them.

I love you!

1 comment:

  1. You know, you said in your slumpy beginning of November that you didn't deserve to have a Christmas this year.
    I say, that how you feel about it doesn't matter: we love you, and for that, you deserve to have a little something.

    P.S. We may have missed a few ornaments - we'll get those to you when we come out in January.
