Sunday, October 9, 2011

Back on Schedule

After a couple of derailments, it took my wonderful daughter to step in and remind me of the things that matter in life.  I have to admit that the past couple of days haven't been real easy and that the #8 train doesn't have a whole lot of passengers on it.  But the passengers that are on it with me are on it for the long haul.  And that's something to be very excited about.  Thank you, Katie.  I love you very much and I am so proud of the woman you've become.  And I am more proud of the friend you are becoming.  Every father on the planet should have a daughter like you to keep us all on track...

The #8 train has some plans over the next couple of days.  While a head and chest cold has firmly established its presence in both my nasal and chest cavities, it will not stop me from going to Bar None today to watch the Vikings play the Cardinals and make Minneapolis native Larry Fitzgerald (who plays for the Cardinals) look like the Hall of Fame wide receiver he truly is.  Then tomorrow (if this cold of mine can abate a little), I am planning to go to the Columbus Day Parade here in the city.

I sent a note of interest last night to the Scoutmaster of Troop 735 to see if his troop could use an additional hand.  I wouldn't mind getting back involved in Boy Scouts on a semi-regular basis.  There's nothing like the experience of working with boys as they go through puberty and adolescence and grow into young men.  We'll see what happens, stay tuned.

I may update the blog later today with results from the Vikings game (although the cheap beers and shots at Bar None, coupled with this cold may result in a much needed nap) and/or tomorrow sometime after the parade and apartment cleaning.

The train is back on schedule and is going to start doing some exploring.  Knowing that the fuel for it hasn't run out is a pretty important realization!

1 comment:

  1. I'm always here. Thank you.

    I'm glad you're starting to find some things to do! Keep in mind what your interests are, and run with it. They might turn up something unexpected.

    Can you believe the Vikes actually WON?!?
