Saturday, October 29, 2011

First Snow!

Today we are having our first snow of the season.  I find it interesting that there hasn't been measureable snow in New York City this 'early' since 1952.  Yes, you're reading that right.  That was the year my MOTHER graduated from high school.  So I guess this snow event here is kind of a big deal.  People back in Minnesota are all surprised that it hasn't snowed there yet.  It is beautiful and the city is still working, but I fear as the winds pick up later today that there will be some early shutdowns.  Oh well....

Still trying to figure things to do out.  My daughters provided wonderful suggestions about auditing classes at either Columbia or NYU (or maybe another university here in the city) and I'm looking into that.  It's interesting trying to find things to do here in the city.  Because there is so much going on, it's hard to find a place online where it all comes together so that there's a single place to go for the information one needs.  It just doesn't exist.  So finding things here is more about finding the right resources to find the right thing.  Or anything for that matter.  It can be time-consuming to actually find things to do with free time!  Especially when one is alone and relatively new here.  Where do you look? 

There are some resources that people here use.  Time Out New York is a weekly publication (it comes out on Wednesdays) that provides a pretty good idea of what's going on in the city.  The movie and humorist I saw last week I found in that magazine.  It's a very good resources.  I found another resource as well, called "Club Free Time" that is an online resource that displays events (all kinds of them) that are free or low cost.  It really looks like an interesting club, with annual membership dues of about $20.  I'm thinking of joining, because one of my 'goals' in finding things to do is to find inexpensive or free things to do in New York.  Kind of rules out Broadway plays and some of the higher end events, but there are all kinds of things to do that won't cost me an arm and a leg.  And that's exciting.

Back to the snow... I hate snow.  I hate cold.  I left Minnesota to start escaping from it.  I'm a little more south now, and who knows what the future will hold.  But I'm guessing that it will involve me heading further and further south until 'snow' is something I see on television.  But the snow now is going to keep me in tonight, that's for sure.  The bonus is that it will allow me to get some cleaning done in preparation for the New Prague visit next weekend for the NYC Marathon

This doesn't mean that I was a hermit this week at all, though!  I didn't really do anything special.  I was in Washington DC early in the week (Monday and Tuesday), I was working on Wednesday and Thursday.  Last night, I went to one of the locals taverns (Tap a Keg) to watch Game 7 of the World Series.  I ended up sitting at the bar next to a saxophonist and we talked baseball through the entire game.  Tomorrow I'm planning to head down to Bar None to watch the Vikings.  I'm thinking about going to the Halloween parade in the Village on Monday.

Time for a snowy day nap!  It's a good thing the white stuff is coming down on a Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. You hate snow...
    One question: have you cranked the heat into the 80s and made the air completely dry yet? Of all the people who have talked about how much they hate the snow here, you were one of the last people I actually saw leaving it for boring weather.

    Glad that you're finding some interesting things to do out there!
